
The Getty -
I usually don’t like “random” art museums that aren’t focused on a single artist, but The Getty fucking slapped. It feels complete.

The building itself is just beautiful, it feels like a nice compliment to the Griffith Observatory. Both have the old/classy Hollywood vibe that reminds me the most of LA. They’re also super accessible, most people in the city have probably already been, the only cost is parking.

They have a great exhibit right now on some French sculptor named Claudel. Some of the most beautiful sculptures I’ve ever seen. She was the student of Ronin, who did those famous Stanford hell doors. Her work is very unique; I always like sculpture the most in any museum, but I’ve never seen anything that feels like hers. “The Waltz” has inspired me to start keeping postcards from every place I really like. The museum itself has even got me to start writing public reviews.

The only part I didn’t like (although I only spent 2~ hours there) were those giant hanging gemstones in the main entrance. They felt a bit out of place - less of a subtle vibe compared to the rest of the building. But at the same time I did notice them, it somehow still fits the uniqueness of the Getty.

Tram is dope & fast. Rideshare super easy, great gift shop. The only thing I wish for is a nicer cafe/a real restaurant, but it’s their museum, their choice. Would recommend.